
Fit Kids

Today we had our "Fit Kids" day. This is a program organized by Mr. Hoshowski and Mr. Lane. They train grade 5 & 6 students to help teach the rest of the school the different fitness stations. Our students had a great time. 

Talent Show

If you were at Coquihalla School on Tuesday, you would have seen many talented performances from our students. We had singers, dancers, piano players and jokesters!  It was a great afternoon!

Grade 6 Snowshoe Trip

On March 8th, the grade 6 students and teachers  snowshoed the Cambie Creek trail. For many students, this was their first experience on snowshoes. I hope this will encourage everyone to experience the amazing outdoors in our area.

100’s Day – Primary

Our Kindergarten to Grade 2 classes celebrated 100's Day on March 7th. They did lots of activities including measuring each student head to toe. Each student also brought 100 items to put on display in their classrooms.